Sunday, January 26, 2020
Impact of Culture on Life Satisfaction of Students
Impact of Culture on Life Satisfaction of Students ABSTRACT Defining culture by reference to deeply situated societal values and beliefs, this study makes three contributions to the growing field of satisfaction research: first, it tries to uncover the relationship between international students life satisfaction and cultural life satisfaction across different cultures; Second, it explores whether and to what extent a range of cultural values serve as important moderators of international students life satisfaction; Finally, it explains the Life Satisfaction differences between international students across five nations (India, Africa, China, United Kingdom and Turkey). A total of 100 international students from the University of Northampton participated in this study. Analysis of the present study is based on data from two surveys. The first is the Dieners Satisfaction with Life Survey (SWL) to measure international students overall satisfaction with life across nations. The second is the cultural satisfaction survey which includes the six d eterminants of cultural factors: satisfaction in general, job, social relationships, health services, authority services and public safety. Using both Pearson and Partial correlation coefficient, statistical analysis showed that except for the General Satisfaction section p value is more than 0.05 (p>0.05) for each of the subsections. In addition, hypothesis one showed that there is not any correlation between Life Satisfaction and Cultural Satisfaction amongst International Students. Therefore, null hypothesis is accepted. One-Way between subjects ANOVAs enables us to partially accept hypothesis 2, which states there will be a difference in CS between International Students from different countries. Statistical results of one-way ANOVAs also accepted Hypothesis 3, which states there will be a difference in LS between International Students from different nationalities as well. According to these results, Hypothesis 2 is partially accepted because four out of the six subsections of the CS (General and Job Satisfaction) showed these differences. These results show the importance of the cultural determinants of the social relationship, health, authority and public safety satisfaction play a particularly prominent role on individuals Life Satisfaction. Finally, based on the Dieners SWL (Diener et al, 1984) and cultural life satisfaction survey, the empirical results show that several cultural values are indeed very significant influences on individuals assessment of their life satisfaction. INTRODUCTION Psychological research during the past two decades has revealed cultural differences across a wide range of domains. These studies focus on several factors such as what are peoples desires, wants, and needs, and which life domains are decisive in an overall evaluation of living conditions? Does the quality of a society in which a person lives play a significant role? As a result most psychologists are now keenly aware that the way people in different cultures think, feel, and act are, in varying degrees, different. International students have in recent years come to constitute a large proportion of the world-wide student body in higher learning institutions. There are hardly any countries that are unaffected by the presence of international students in its institutions of higher learning, or the pressure to send some of its own students to study abroad (Paige, 1990). Current estimates suggest that up to 1 million students annually study in countries other than their own (Open Doors, 1996/97). One rationale behind the increasing number of international students is the assumption that students can serve both as cultural ambassadors and resources (Klineberg, 1970; Mestenhauser, 1983; Paige, 1990), and as links between cultures (Eide, 1970). It has also been assumed that these cultural links could help reduce inter-group tension, prejudice, hostility and discriminatory behaviour, and to help increase international understanding and co-operation (Amir, 1969; Baron and Bachman, 1987; Fulbright, 1976) . These assumptions, however, have not always been supported. On the contrary mental health problems such as depression, psychosomatic complaints, anxiety and paranoid reactions (Jou and Fukada, 1997a and b; Sam and Eide, 1991; Ward, 1967; Ying and Liese, 1991) have been suggested to characterise international students. These are in addition to socio-cultural problems (e.g., language difficulties, difficulties in negotiating day-to-day social activities and, racial and ethnic discrimination) (Furnham and Bochner, 1982; Kagan and Cohen, 1990; Ward and Kennedy, 1993) and academic problems such as failure (Aich, 1963; Barker et al., 1991) have been documented as characterising international students overseas sojourn. Life Satisfacion (LS) has been defined as a global evaluation by the person of his or her life (Pavot et al., 1991, p. 150), and has been identified as a key aspect of quality of life and Subjective Well Being (SWB) (Mannel and Dupuis 1996). SWB is a way of defining a good life, and is often referred to as happiness. People who experience abundant SWB have many pleasures and few pains, and they feel satisfied with their lives (Diener, 2000). Satisfaction also refers to the cognitive/judgemental aspects of SWB (Neto, 1995). Diener and his colleagues (1999) argued that, SWB and happiness, has both an affective (i.e., emotional) and a cognitive (i.e., judgmental) component. The affective component consists of how frequently an individual reports experiencing positive and negative effects. In addition to this, previous research (Diener et al., 1999) has found college students consider happiness and LS to be extremely important, and there is evidence that increased LS impacts upon academi c performance in college students (Rode et al., 2005). Research has shown that increased LS and happiness may be related to goal progression (Emmons, 1986), close social relationships (Myers, 2000), and being involved in flow activities (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Moreover, Veenhoven (1991) uses the definition of LS as the degree to which an individual judges the overall quality of his life as a whole favourably. (1991: 10). This idea emphasises satisfaction with ones life, implies contentment with or acceptance of ones life circumstances, or the fulfilment of ones wants and needs for ones life as a whole. Furthermore, the need satisfaction model (Maslow, 1970; McClelland, 1961) and the spill over (Diener, 1984;Wilensky, 1960) theories provide useful frameworks to conceptualise the processes that underlie happiness in a life domain. The basic premise of the need satisfaction model is that people have basic needs they seek to fulfil in each life domain. Individuals derive satisfaction in a particular life domain when events and experience related to that domain fulfil their needs. Therefore, this model seems to suggest that people who are successful in satisfying their needs are likely to enjoy greater SWB than those who are less successful. For example, a person reports high satisfaction of her health life domain based on positive experiences concerning health-related activities such as a healthy diet, regular exercise and attention to medical needs. Moreover, the spill over theories of quality of life are viewed as having two broad types; bottom-up and top-down theories. Firstly, bott om-up theories assume that LS is a summary evaluation of aspects of ones life. For example, one is satisfied with life because one has good social relationships, enough money, weight under control, and an interesting job (Choi et al., 2007; George and Landerman, 1984; Larsen, 1978). Secondly, top-down theories assume that LS is due to personality influences. For example, a neurotic individual is more dissatisfied in general with his or her job, social relationships, weight, and income in particular ( Shepard, 1974; Kremer and Harpaz, 1982). Although there may be some agreement about the important qualities of the good life, with considerations like health and successful relationships, each individual assigns different values to these factors (Diener et al., 1985). Each person has his or her own values, criteria, and basis for evaluation. Furthermore, considerable research effort has been devoted to the study of adults perception of the quality of their lives, including LS judgements. LS research is supported by the variety of measures appropriate for adults, such as the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener et al., 1985; Pavot and Diener, 1993), Quality of Life Inventory (Frisch et al., 1992), Life Satisfaction Index (Neugarten et al., 1961), and the Salamon-Conte LS in the Elderly Scale (Salamon and Conte, 1984). Several studies have been carried out regarding LS and the results of these studies emphasise that LS is related to different factors. A great deal of psychological research has explored the sources of peoples LS. Due to variation in the characteristics of the included samples such as age, gender or culture questions which are commonly found in questionnaires as well as included indicators, different factors have been found to be associated with LS. Campbell (1981) indicates that there are at least 12 domains involved in contributing to LS. These are health, finances, family relations, paid employment, friendships, housing, living partner, recreational activity, religion, self-esteem, transportation, and education (Campbell, 1981). Specific cultural and social factors also have been found to play an important role in determining LS and happiness (Triandis, 2000). LS is used worldwide in research including adults, young people, students, older people etc. (Baiyewu and Jegede 1992; H illeras et al. 2001b,Neugarten et al. 1961; Vitterso et al. 2002; Wood et al. 1969) and is supposed to be a useful outcome variable in different countries. Cultural context is an important element that influences an individuals cognitive evaluation of ones life. Culture affects people in a variety of basic psychological domains, including self-concept, attribution and reasoning, interpersonal communication, negotiation, intergroup relations, and psychological well-being (Brewer Chen, 2007; Fiske et al., 1998; Markus Kitayama, 1991; Oyserman et al., 2002). Sociologists and social psychologists are interested in socio-demographic patterns that emerge when people evaluate their overall living conditions (Veenhoven 1984; Argyle 1999; Headey and Wearing 1992; Hagerty et al. 2000; Glatzer and Zapf 1984). However, socio-demographic factors account for less than 20% of the variance of SWB, a finding confirmed in several studies (Campbell et al. 1976; Andrews and Withey 1976; Diener and Suh 1997). Many efforts have been made to analyse determinants of LS and researchers from several disciplines illuminate this subject from different perspectiv es. The study revealed that the standard of living, access to employment, job satisfaction, marriage, social relationships, social networks, and health were the most decisive factors when explaining variations in LS within countries. Previous research also indicate that these factors have a positive impact on individuals LS (Diener et al. 1999) with results also showing that individuals with high LS have such benefits including physical health, mental health, good interpersonal relationships, and educational and vocational success (Frisch, 2000; Park, 2003, 2004; Veenhoven, 1989). More recently, economists have shown an interest in explaining LS outcomes with respect to reported SWB as a proxy for individual utility. They primarily focus on cross-country comparisons, the question of marginal utility of income, and the relationship between absolute and relative levels of income on SWB (Frey and Stutzer 2002a, b; Oswald 1997; Layard 2005). Moreover, LS differs a great deal between individuals and between European countries. The previous study within the enlarged European Union shows average LS in 2003, measured on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied), ranged from 8.38 in Denmark to 4.41 in Bulgaria. In every country high income goes hand in hand with higher LS scores. However, poor people in Denmark are nevertheless more satisfied than rich people in Bulgaria. The large differences in the overall level of LS between old and new member states have so far been explained with reference to the level of economic prosperity in each country (Fahey and Smyth 2004). Moreover, several studies have pointed out that poorer countries tend to possess lower LS than richer ones. To support this idea, Leelakulthanit and Day (1993) compared the LS scores of Americans and Thais. The results showed that Americans were more satisfied with their lives than Thais. Similarly, Diener et al., (1995) investigated LS among American, Korean, and Chinese college students. The results of the study illustrated that American college students scored more highly on LS, positive feelings and influential factors (e.g., income and wealth of the countries) than both Chinese and Korean college students. The results of these studies emphasized that the countries with high qualities (such as income, wealth, education) have higher LS scores than the countries who have low quality of standards . Conversely, Heady et al. (2004) instead analysed household panel data for five countries and found the happiness measure to be considerably more affected by economic fac tors than found in most of the earlier literature. The economic factors in the study include wealth and consumption expenditures and among the findings are that wealth has a stronger impact on happiness than income and that non-durable consumption expenditures are as important for happiness as income. Recent cross-country studies have therefore returned to this issue, questioning the insignificance of economic factors, which led to a heated debate in Social Science Indicators between Richard Easterlin, who defended the standard conclusion that average income does not matter, and Michael Hagerty and Ruud Veenhoven, who opposed this and argued that positive happiness trends in most nations were caused by income growth (Hagerty and Veenhoven 2003; Easterlin 2005; Veenhoven and Hagerty 2006). Moreover, a number of previous studies exposed evidence about health playing a critical role in overall LS. In fact, health has long been viewed as one of the major factors to LS as previous studies have found that health plays a crucial role on individuals LS (Linn et al., 1988; Michalos, Zumbo, Hubley, 2000; Okun et al., 1984; Parkerson, Broadhead, Tse, 1990). Additionally, a number of previous studies have examined the relationship between LS and health factors such as obesity, alcohol use, suicidal thoughts, physical activity, stress, and academic performance in different populations. For example, the study of the Moum (1996) found that people who score high on LS measures are less likely to attempt suicide. Lewinsohn et al., (1991) also pointed out that people who score high on LS are less likely to become depressed in the future . Several researches have also examined that LS is related to healthy behaviours in a number of different populations (Kelly, 2004; Rudolf Watts, 20 02; Valois, Zullig, Huebner, Drane, 2004b). To support this idea, Statistics Canada Web Site (2009), found that Canadians LS was related to their health. The statistics showed that people who were satisfied with their lives reported that their health was excellent (62.5%) and only 8.4% of people who were satisfied with life reported poor health. Conversely, of those people who were not satisfied with their lives, 54.2% reported that their health was poor. As a result, this study found that weak levels of health are directly related to low levels of satisfaction with life, low levels of morality, and low levels of satisfaction. This study also stresses that public health provisions have an important role on the improvements of individuals quality of life. For example, Life expectancy in France or Germany has risen sharply. However, this improvement is not due to high-technology. These countries attach importance to improve the quality of health in urban sanitation. The main aim here is relatively low-cost treatment (for example; antibiotics for childrens ear infections) (Deaton, 2008). From the past to the present, a great deal of psychological research has explored the sources of peoples LS. These sources include ones overall wealth, whether one is single or married, male or female (Gold et al., 2002; Murtagh Hubert, 2004), or young or old (Diener, 1984; Mercier et al., 1998; Prenda Lachman, 2001) A few studies have investigated international undergraduate students Satisfaction with Life (SWL) in the pattern of culture associates. Definition of the SWL emphasises the individuals own Quality of Life (QoL) based on their selected standards (Shin and Johnson, 1978). Each individuals decisions about their own particular criteria of their QoL can help them to judge and establish their own SWL (Diener et al., 1985). This shows that ones SWL is not a universally determined criteria of QoL, because each individual is judging their SWL by their own evaluation of the QoL. This is one of the important reasons to focus on people of diverse ethnic background and their differ ent values and perceptions of what may characterise the good life (Diener et al., 1985). Another important reason to study SWL and Culture across different nations is based on cultural factors (such as ones quality of life) that play an important role on individuals happiness. Veenhoven (1991) found that living in an economically prosperous country where freedom and democracy are respected; political stability; being a part of a majority rather than a minority; being toward the top of the social ladder; being married and having good relationships with family and friends; being mentally and physically healthy; being active and open minded; feeling in control of ones life; having aspirations in social and moral matters rather than money-making and being politically conservative are significantly related with individuals happiness rather than unhappiness. Moreover, other researchers have established that individuals from different cultures have different levels of economic and social satisfactions with their Jobs. For example, people who have the same jobs but who live in different countries might have different levels of job satisfaction because of cultural influences (Cranny et al., 1992; Gallie Russell, 1998). This signifies that both economic (money) and social (interest) satisfaction with work, such as individuals quality of their working styles, experiences and achievements, is another very important component of individuals overall SWL (Frijters et al., 2003; Kraft 2000). Furthermore, health is a subjective phenomenon manifested as the experience of wellness/illness based on individuals evaluations of how they are feeling and doing. There are variety of factors on an individuals health satisfaction which have been related to their LS such as weight (Ball et al., 2004), alcohol use (Murphy et al., 2005), stress (Schnohr et al., 2005), and physical activity (Valois, Zullig, Huebner, Drane, 2004b) These have been shown to be related to life satisfaction in different populations. The relationship between LS and various aspects of perceived health has been investigated in different nations because in different cultures people have different health institutions and services which can affect both their QoL and SWL. Previous researchers found that there is a positive relationship between subjective health and LS (Arrindell et al., 1999; Lohr et al., 1988; Rapkin Fischer, 1992; Willits Crider, 1988). The information above supports that to study both SWL and culture have been useful in illuminating how individuals differ in their SWL from different nations and the role of culture. A Number of studies emphasize that culture affects individuals from several basic psychological domains. For example, attribution and reasoning, intergroup relations, interpersonal communication, self-concept, negotiation, and psychological well-being (Brewer Chen, 2007; Fiske et al., 1998; Lehman et al., 2004; Markus Kitayama, 1991; Oyserman et al., 2002). From the theory and research presented in this review, it can be seen that cultural factors are the integrative parts of the LS. According to this, this study will focus on the Culture and LS amongst international students to see whether culture plays an important role on the undergraduate students LS from five different cultures. The specific aims of the study are three-fold. Firstly, it determines whether there is a relationship between international students LS and CS amongst five different countries. Secondly, it specifies whether the international students have differences in CS in general factors (i.e. quality of services/ city/life etc.), social relationships, job satisfaction, health, authority and public safety across five different countries. Thirdly, it explores whether there is an LS difference between International Students from five different countries which are China, India, UK, Turkey and Nigeria. In this study, I will focus on more cross-cultural phenomenon of the st udents satisfaction as well as its link with cross-cultural differences in the bases of LS (Schimmack et al., 2002; Suh et al., 1998) and provide tests of an empirically supported explanation for the differences. When people construct judgments about their overall LS, different cultural members place relative emphasis on different aspects of life. Therefore the hypotheses for this study are: There will be correlation between LS and CS amongst International Students from five different countries . There will be a difference in CS between International Students from five different countries There will be a difference in LS between International Students from five different countries. METHOD SECTION Participants A total of 100 students from the University of Northampton (UCN) in Northampton participated in the study. The sample for the current study comprised of 100 students, with twenty participants from each of the five nations India, Africa, China, United Kingdom and Turkey. Participants were selected from these five countries because many students from these countries came across to study in the University of Northampton. All participants were more than 18 years of age. Both males and females between the ages of 18-25 were selected. Each participant was required to complete both Questionnaire Section A of Life Satisfaction and Section B of the Cultural Satisfaction (see Appendix 2). All student participation was voluntary. Apparatus/Measurements The measures for the study were either taken directly or with modification from existing scales as described below. With the exception of the Satisfaction With Life Scale, all the items reported here were answered on a 5-point Likert Scale. Life Satisfaction : Global life satisfaction was measured by the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin, 1985) to measure the life satisfaction of the international undergraduate students. The SWLS is a five-item inventory with a 7-point scale. The five items used to measure satisfaction with life are : (a) In most ways my life is close to ideal; (b) The conditions of my life are excellent; (c) I am satisfied with my life; (d) So far I have gotten the important things I want in life; and (e) If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Participants respond to each item on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), yielding a possible total score ranging from 5 to 35 (see appendix 2). Satisfaction With Culture: Participants cultural life satisfaction was measured by questions both from Quality of Life Satisfaction Survey (2003) (QLS) (cited in Delhey, 2004) and the 2006 General User Satisfaction Survey (GUSS) (Torbay Council, 2006). Researcher also prepared some of the questions. The Satisfaction with Culture survey is a 70-item Likert scale designed to measure international students cultural satisfaction within six cultural life domains: general, social relationships, job satisfaction, health perception, authority and public safety were considered important influences on individuals life satisfaction. Participants respond to each item on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) (see appendix 2). General : The general questions about the cultural life satisfaction, which consists of twenty-three out of the 70 items, was added to the beginning of the Cultural life satisfaction scale in order to measure general life satisfaction about the cultural factors. The researcher also prepared the questions from 1 to 19. However, questions 20 to 23 from the general section were obtained from QLS. Students were expected to respond to each item based on a five-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Examples of items are It is a good place to live, overall quality of life in the city, water quality, noise etc. However, nine items were measured on an ordinal scale that assessed satisfaction with current state of general services (e.g. health services, public transport, education system etc.). Participants again respond to each item on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (poor) to 5 (very high). Higher values indicate higher LS. Social Relationships : To achieve a high level of joy and happiness in life, people must be socially involved with people. This involves getting along well with others, having friends and companions, and offering help to those who need it. This part evaluates international students social relationships in their home countries through sixteen items. However, five questions about the tensions between different groups were obtained from QLS. Scoring goes from 1 to 5, where 1 corresponds to the answer Very many tensions and 5 to No tension at all. Moreover, eleven questions consisted of general problems about parents, children, teenagers etc. These eleven questions were also prepared by the Researcher. Statements such as parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children, noisy neighbours or loud parties and people being attacked because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion etc. The items were also based on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (a very big p roblem) to 5 (not a problem at all). Job Satisfaction: In this section questions asked students to evaluate their overall Job satisfaction and financial situation. Questions in the Job Satisfaction section were adapted from QLS. A list of seven items was constructed to measure the job satisfaction variable. Items were presented on a 5- point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Items included My work is dull and boring , I am well paid, and My job offers good prospects for career advancement etc. Health Perception : The health perception variable was measured on a Likert scale that assessed satisfaction with current state of health services in international students countries. This section consisted of eight items. Questions 1 to 4 from the health section were obtained from QLS. However, questions from 5 to 8 were obtained from GUSS. Items were presented on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from very satisfied to very dissatisfied where 1 corresponds to the answer very dissatisfied and 5 to very satisfied, and included statements such as waiting time to see doctor on day of appointment, Quality of Hospitals and Deal with patients etc. Authority: The authority section consists of seven items. Question 1 and 7 from the authority section were adapted from GUSS . Also, questions 2 to 6 were prepared by the researcher . The items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale, and included statements such as how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following services provided or supported by your country City Council such as; Sports/leisure facilities and events, libraries, museum, galleries, theatre etc. Scoring goes from 1 to 5, where 1 corresponds to the answer strongly disagree and 5 to strongly agree. Public Safety: Public safety questions about the cultural life satisfaction, which consists of nine items. Questions in the Public Safety section were prepared by the researcher. Questions include how safe do you feel walking in your neighbourhood during the day? and how safe do you feel walking in your neighbourhood after dark? etc. The responses were based on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from very unsafe to very safe, and 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Procedure Before the experiment participants were asked to read the standardised instructions (see appendix 3 ) and to give their consent verbally. According to the standardised instructions, participants were fully informed what the study was going to investigate. The standard instructions informed the students of the purpose of the study; that participation was voluntary and the responses were going to be treated confidentially. Also, it explained the details of what participants would have to do and were allowed to ask any questions. Experimenters informed the participants that the aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a relation between participants general life satisfaction and cultural life satisfaction. By giving their consent to taking part in the study, they were agreeing to be involved in this study and were then asked to sign the consent form (see appendix 4) and read the brief (see appendix 4). After that, participants were asked to fill in the questionnaire. The que stionnaire consisted of two sections; section A and section B. Section A was about the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener et al., 1985) to measure life satisfaction. The scale comprises of five-items and the responses were made on a 7-point agree-disagree Likert scale (Diener et al., 1985). On the other hand, section B was about cultural life satisfaction (Questions were obtained from QoL). The Satisfaction with Culture survey is a 70-item Likert scale and was designed to measure international students cultural satisfaction. The scale provides scores for six dimensions namely for the participants satisfaction with their nations. The six sections of the cultural satisfaction are: general, social relationships, job satisfaction, health perception, authority and public safety considered important on individuals cultural life satisfaction. According to participants responses, negative scores indicate dissatisfaction, whereas positive scores indicate satisfaction of the specific domain for the individuals life satisfaction. In this experiment, participants were not timed. Therefore, all the participants had the same life satisfaction and cultural satisfaction scale. Participants were also aware that they were allowed to withdraw at anytime without giving reason. After the experiment, the experimenter gave the participants a cue sheet which consisted of a brief explanation of what the study was about and the experimenters e-mail address (see appendix 5). Also, each Life satisfaction scale had the participant number recorded on the top of the paper so, if the participants changed their minds and wanted to retract their results from the study, they could email the experimenter and give their paper number by 01-01-2010. Also, participants were allowed to ask any questions. There was no deception of the participants in this study. Finally, no personal data was requested. As a result, the participants were anonymous . Questionnaires will be kept confidential and securely kept in the locked answers cupboard. Design This study was performed to determine the relation between culture and life satisfaction. The dependent variable of the study was the life satisfaction and the independent variable was culture. In this experiment, participants were sampled around the university campus and each participant received only one questionnaire. All experime
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Compare the Presentation of War in ââ¬ËDulce Et Decorum Estââ¬â¢ by Wilfred Owen and ââ¬Ëfor the Fallenââ¬â¢ by Laurence Binyon
ââ¬ËFor the Fallenââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËDulce Et Decorum Estââ¬â¢ are two very different poems indirectly expressing Wilfred Owen and Laurence Binyonââ¬â¢s views on war. The contrast of the poems is mainly down to when they were written as Binyon wrote his poem at the very beginning of the war, meaning the poem has a very propagandist and optimistic outlook on the war. He also wrote it before he visited the front in 1916. However Owen wrote his poem near to the end of the war, in hospital, after fighting on the western front.Many of his close friends had died during the war, which probably influenced a lot of the anger in his poems. It is clear in Owenââ¬â¢s poem that he feels there is absolutely no honour in dying for oneââ¬â¢s country. He describes a fellow soldier killed in a gas attack, ââ¬Ëfloundââ¬â¢ring like a man in fire or limeââ¬â¢ followed by, ââ¬Ëbehind the wagon that we flung him in. ââ¬â¢ The second quote gives the impression that this soldie r is just one of many thousands of unnamed individuals who were killed and carted off without any funeral.It gives a message to propagandists and people who think war is glorious, that it is nothing of the sort. Also Owenââ¬â¢s title ââ¬ËDulce Et Decorum Estââ¬â¢, means: ââ¬ËIt is sweet and fittingââ¬â¢. However the poem completely undermines the title saying the opposite and ending with ââ¬ËThe old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori. ââ¬Ë Owen uses heavy irony in the title and could also be directing this quote at officers who originally led many soldiers to their death. By contrast, Binyon describes the death of the soldiers at war very differently: ââ¬ËDeath august and royalââ¬â¢.Binyon personifies death and makes it honourable, dignifying the death of the soldiers. Binyon also describes the dead soldiers ââ¬ËAs the stars are known to the Night,ââ¬â¢ which implies that they are always there, even if they are not seen in the day, but remembe red in their familyââ¬â¢s dreams every night. Furthermore the title: ââ¬ËFor the Fallenââ¬â¢ is a euphemism, which like the poem avoids the fact that the soldiers actually died in many gruesome ways during battle. The images that Binyon and Owen create through their language in their poems are very different.Owenââ¬â¢s descriptions are extremely graphic and create very strong images: ââ¬ËYou could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs. ââ¬â¢ One can almost see and hear the reality of war through all these descriptions. Owen also manages to create a few quite unnatural and sometimes impossible images: ââ¬ËDim, through misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. ââ¬â¢ The word ââ¬Ëdrowningââ¬â¢ gives us an image of someone drowning in air, which is impossible.By doing this, Owen shows the extreme horror of having to watch someone die in a gas attack. Binyonââ¬â¢s imagery, by contras t, is much more idealised and glorifies the soldiers. There are many references to stars and the heavens: ââ¬Ëimmortal spheresââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËAs the stars are known to the nightââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëthe heavenly plainââ¬â¢. In the penultimate line the word ââ¬Ëstarsââ¬â¢ is even repeated: ââ¬ËAs the stars that are starry in the time of our time of darknessââ¬â¢. By comparing the soldiers to stars, Binyon is erasing any negative references to the horrors of war and creating an image of heaven instead.The use of tone in the two poems is very contrasting as while Binyon adopts a very dignified, patriotic and mournful tone, Owen, on the contrary uses quite a pessimistic and sometimes aggressive tone. Owen does this by using spondees at the beginning of lines: ââ¬ËBent Doubleââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËKnock-kneedââ¬â¢, and ââ¬ËGas! Gas! ââ¬â¢ By putting two stressed syllables at the start of lines, Owen is avoiding a gentle iambic rhythm, and instead creating more of a ch aotic effect which is helped by the sudden change to present tense. Owen also uses many words like: ââ¬Ësludgeââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëbloodââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëzestââ¬â¢.This sort of vocabulary adds to the poemââ¬â¢s slightly aggressive tone, with the use of quite hard-hitting and monosyllabic words. However, Binyon, on the contrary is much more formal and uses a mixture of latinate and anglo-saxon vocabulary creating both a warm but at the same time, respectful tone. Binyon also plays with word order, using inverted syntax: ââ¬ËThey mingle notââ¬â¢, and ââ¬ËAt the going down of the sunââ¬â¢. This gives the poem a greater sense of authority and importance, and even sometimes sounds slightly biblical: ââ¬ËFlesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spiritââ¬â¢.In ââ¬ËFor the Fallenââ¬â¢, the form is relatively simple with short four-line verses with the last line always slightly shorter. This could relate to the soldiers lives being cut short but interestingl y, these last lines can also be of significance by themselves, describing the soldiers who died: ââ¬ËFallen in the cause of the freeââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËThey fell with their faces to the foeââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËTo the end, to the end, they remain. ââ¬â¢ The poem is also made up of antonymic lines, the structure being A, B, C, B. The rhyming 2nd and 4th lines represent the harmony of the poem, while the non-rhyming 1st and 3rd represent the disharmony.There are also antonyms within certain lines: ââ¬Ëmusicââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdesolationââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëgloryââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëtearsââ¬â¢. The rhythm of the poem is quite irregular, possibly to emphasise the fact that the subject of the poem is too important to give a ââ¬Ërum-ti-tumââ¬â¢ rhythm. Unlike ââ¬ËFor the Fallenââ¬â¢, which is an elegy, ââ¬ËDulce Et Decorum Estââ¬â¢ is a narrative. The verses are longer in Owenââ¬â¢s poem, the first two stanzas 8 lines, and the last 12 lines. The four extra lines in the last stanza almost come across as a personal message from Owen himself: ââ¬ËMy friend, you would not tell with such high zestâ⬠¦ Also, the last line of the poem, a bit like the ends of Binyonââ¬â¢s verses, is cut short representing the soldierââ¬â¢s lives being cut short: ââ¬ËPro patria mori. ââ¬â¢ Not only this, but the fact that the poem ends with the word ââ¬Ëmoriââ¬â¢-death- again refers to the soldiersââ¬â¢ lives. The poem is also set out like a story as it starts by setting the scene, which is followed by the climax in the 2nd stanza, and then the ending. Owen uses alternate rhyme which knits all the lines together, making them flow.The rhyme scheme also draws attention to the specific rhyming words at the end of each line which, if read alone, describe the events taking place e. g. ââ¬Ëtrudgeââ¬â¢, blindââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëstumblingââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëdrowningââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëbloodââ¬â¢. Owen uses repetition to emphasise certain words: ââ¬ËG as! Gas! ââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËAll went lame; all blindââ¬â¢. The repetition of ââ¬Ëgasââ¬â¢ creates much more urgency than if it was just written once. Also, the repetition of ââ¬Ëallââ¬â¢ really makes the reader realise that Owen is trying to not just say it was one or two people who were hurt, but everyone.Owen also uses caesura: ââ¬ËMen marched asleep. Many had lost their boots But limped on, blood-shod. Allâ⬠¦ ââ¬â¢ The full-stops in the middle of the lines disrupt the rhythm and maybe draw attention to the fact that the marching is not orderly. Binyon, like Owen, uses some repetition: ââ¬ËFlesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spiritââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËTo the end, to the end they remainââ¬â¢. The repetition, in this case, with its lulling rhythm, adds to the overall proud and majestic feel of the poem. Another word that Binyon repeats almost constantly through the poem is ââ¬Ëtheyââ¬â¢.This, in contrast to Owen who specifically describes one p erson dying in gory detail, unifies all the soldiers into one. Both ââ¬ËFor the Fallenââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËDulce Et Decorum Estââ¬â¢, in their own ways, describe soldiers who went to war. However, the two poems are opposite to each other in almost every way, as the points above show. Binyon shows us the glory of patriotism and self sacrifice while Owen shows the brutal reality of what it was truly like in the battlefield. These two poems show us how differently war can be described and interpreted.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Why Everybody Is Talking About Samples of Essay on Ethics...The Simple Truth Revealed
Why Everybody Is Talking About Samples of Essay on Ethics...The Simple Truth Revealed What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Samples of Essay on Ethics In the sphere of academic study, the important intention of ethics can be formulated as an effort to answer certain moral questions as a way to enhance communication between men and women in different social environments and to stimulate them to behave in view of norms accepted in a special community. The the latest Federal Sentencing Guidelines specify big penalties for different varieties of major ethics violations. Business ethics is an approaching issue mainly because of the sheer number of persons involved. The plan of the Kilt Hanger is ideal for the total Prince Charlie outfit. A strong work ethic is required so as to survive a life that's centered in doing your job. Convincing bartender cover letter to create the proper first impression. The Do's and Don'ts of Samples of Essay on Ethics Knowing about the outlines and formats for a variety of kinds of essays is an excellent way to augment the way in which you prefer to state your opinions. All things considered, it's possible to agree with Aristotle's vision of human capabilities. So long as you include details in a manner that helps. Instant essay help can be taken also from the identical website by paying a little bit of extra cash. Samples of Essay on Ethics and Samples of Essay on Ethics - The Perfect Combination When the ethics essay is written by men and women that are knowledgeable and have good writing skills it's a near guarantee your grade will be helpful. Ethics essay topics may concern a good selection of issues in various business locations. Ethics isn't an easy subject to research. Ethics in business is another intriguing field of study. The function of scientific research in development may not be undermined. It's therefore difficult to uphold all of the research ethics and attain success in the research market. In summary, research is a substantial facet of development and progress in a lot of fields. The research will start with a thorough secondary research on the topic. The New Fuss About Samples of Essay on Ethics It's possible to make revisions to your work and be certain you include pertinent information associated with your topic. As you start to learn about the essay writing process it's important to provide time to your writing. The finest descriptive essay examples that you will find use illustrative language to spell out the topic in contrast to the authors opinion at the beginning of the composition. A properly descriptive essay with distinctive and unique content can be yours for a sensible price. Now each part of the essays format might relatively vary. however, it is the customary norm of having the introduction. Now there's absolutely no pressure in making the essay perfect, but you receive a notion of what your final copy will look like. On the other hand there's not anything wrong with getting assistance from an excellent consultant on the proper outline format. Create the ideal job-worthy cover letter effortlessly in only a few clicks! For instance, you can talk about the reasons that cause the degree of racism in a particular country. Without having the ability to express emotions in a suitable way, it is an impossible task to succeed in any sphere of life. The character of somebody is important in the workplace as it will determine her or his connection with his colleagues. When he is hot-tempered, he is a slave to his emotions, so he is not free. Essay outline for college plays an important role. It usually means that academic direction in writing an essay is among the crucial facets. That is the reason why most students need to occasionally write ethics essays. Students, who have gotten an appropriate example for the very first time, should definitely search for ethics essay examples which they may come across online. When writing an argumentative essay on ethics in human research, it is very important to think of an argument for each and every claim that you earn. So, it's not simple to compose an ethics essay. If you feel as if you are stuck with your ethics essay, you may want to use the guidance of professional writers. The ethical essay would likewise examine philosophical thoughts and see whether they have contemporary relevance. You will consist of discussion points under each section, which can help you write your paragraphs. A useful collection of descriptive essay thoughts and topics are available here. Write background info several explanations for why you're writing the essay. Despite this isn't the simplest topic, it's still feasible to understand how to compose essays on ethical topics. Principles of health ethics always function as a guide for the health care practitioners to satisfy their duty. They should also consider diverse cultural context and its specifications in order to answer certain moral questions that are acute in a particular society within a particular timeframe. Medical ethics is extremely important since it helps medical practitioners save their patients in the most essential operations. Business ethics is among the most frequent themes for investigation. Human beings have the ability to access cure for a variety of diseases due to the research conducted on human subjects. When you're assigned a composition in ethics, you will most likely write about a few moral norms people follow.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Contract Law Cases - 5691 Words
Ratio Decidendi A n advertisement with element of reward is a public offer. Case Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] Facts An advert placed for smoke balls to prevent influenza. offered to pay à £100 if anyone contracted influenza after using the ball. Deposited à £1,000 with the Alliance Bank to show their sincerity in the matter. The plaintiff bought one of the balls but contracted influenza Held she was entitled to recover as (a) The deposit of money showed an intention to be bound, therefore the advert was an offer; (b) It was possible to make an offer to the world at large, which is accepted by anyone who buys a smoke-ball; (c) The offer of protection would cover the period of use; and (d) The buying and using of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Products on display are only an Fisher v A shopkeeper displayed a The knife had not, in law, been Bell [1960] flick knife with a price tag offered for sale. According to the in the window. The law of contract the display of an invitation to treat and not an offer. Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959 made it an offence to offer for sale a flick knife . The shopkeeper was prosecuted in the magistrates court Harvey v Facey [1893] The plaintiff sent a telegram to the defendant to sell property. Telegraph lowest cash price. The defendant reply was ââ¬Å"lowest cash price is à £900â⬠. The plaintiff telegraphed ââ¬Å"we agree to buy â⬠¦.. for à £900 asked by youâ⬠. article with a price on it in a shop window is merely an invitation to treat. It is in no sense an offer for sale the acceptance of which constitutes a contract. It was held that the defendantââ¬â¢s telegram was not an offer but simply an indication of minimum price the defendant would want. An Offer must be distinguished from a mere supply of information An Harris v Auction of sale of furniture advertisemen Nickerson was advertised in a t is only an newspaper London broker [1873] invitation to saw the advertisement and It was not an offer as it was not clear definite or unequivocal from the advertisement that the auctioneer wanted to sell the items treat and not an offer. travel to London to attend the sale the items had been withdrawn from the sale before he arrivedShow MoreRelatedLaw Contract Case Study970 Words à |à 4 Pages Case 1 Issue This problem addresses the issue of agreement, whether there is a valid contract or the offer may be terminated. In order to the contract being valid and enforceable, there is a need for the conduct of an offer and an acceptance. Rule For an offer to be valid, it contains some rules, including lapse of time. When an offer is made, it does not last forever. 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I will be advising Mick (claimant) answering: Whether Yummy chocolate is liable to give a year supply of chocolate as advertised? Firstly we look at the advert which was placed on 3rd March in ââ¬Å"every newspaperâ⬠in order to promote their new product. It is an established principle that advertisements are invitation to treat rather thanRead MoreBusiness Law: Analysis of Contract Case Study2061 Words à |à 9 PagesBusiness Law Written Assignment Advise whether the terms of the Licence Agreement apply and whether the Exclusion of Liability clause is valid and effective in protecting UcanB007 from liabilities. [pic] The foremost issue pertaining to this case is that of whether the terms of the License Agreement are part of the contract between Ah Siong and UcanB007, and hence the enforceability of the terms should Ah Siong decide to sue UcanB007 in contract for his losses. Due to the nature of this case beingRead MoreMildura Office Equipment and Supplies912 Words à |à 4 Pages 1. The facts relating case of Mildura Office Equipment Supplies Pty Ltd v Canon Finance Australia Ltd [2006] VSC 42 (16 February 2006),is updated on webpage . In corner left of page, in the case and legislation section select Victoria. The case law section appears in front. There is Supreme Court of Victoria 1994(AustLII) beneath it. The year on which this case was held i.e. 2006 is chosen at this page and is located in the month of February. 2. A person or party agree/promises
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